Fall 2018: College Speaking 1 and 3

By creating an account with your student number as the username at baenglish.com, you acknowledge that you read the syllabus for your course, College Speaking 1 or College Speaking 3.  When creating the account you agree to the attendance contract. The free account allows you to create future presentation outlines for review, document collaboration and conduct a teacher feedback survey.

Course description: This course is based on New York State Common Core Standards for new language arts progressions.  Students should improve in fluency by scaffolding through the five levels of language progression: entering, emerging, transitioning, expanding, and commanding. Target instruction to students will be based on their level of proficiency and progress.  During the 18-week course all students, as long as they attend class, will improve in fluency through comprehension and participation.

The course will be separated into five modules: Interpersonal Communication, Business Communication, Presentational Writing, Interpretive Listening and Presentational Speaking. This is primarily a speaking course designed to inspire confidence in speaking English. 这节课基于纽约州常用核心标准

Course Objectives:

Initiate and participate effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups and teacher-led) with diverse partners on topics, texts and issues, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively.

Teaching Methodologies, daily class expectations and general format:

  • A- Intro and learning target given to the class (Objective: 5 minutes)
  • B- Listening practice, multimedia demonstration (Do Now Task: 10-15 minutes)
  • C- Group text analysis and preparation for class presentations (Mini-lesson: 25 minutes)
  • D- Group task, conversation, class discussion of learning target (Modeling: 45 minutes)

Each group may be assigned a different task:

  • Analyze a theory or text
  • Develop a set of questions relating to the text
  • Define new language / vocabulary
  • Make connections from the text to their own lives
  • Create a visual for the text
  • Make a presentation summarizing the text or media


25% Participation/Attendance/Quiz

25% Debates        

25% Midterm

25% Final presentation

Author: Paul Blake

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