5 Benefits and Trends of Digital Education in International Schools
By Paul Blake While digital trends have greatly accelerated in recent years, this was nearly predictable, as online education companies were experiencing huge growth pre-pandemic. This expansion of tech in education continues as online education has become more universally accepted as a supplement to traditional pedagogies. The explosion in the use of virtual 'meeting space...
2022-06-05 Two Franks
Posted in Blake Academy News
USSH (CIE) / Deakin University: News Reporting and Writing, Spring 2021
Working course outline News Reporting and Writing 1 As students strive to develop their media writing skills, they must be informed about local, state, national and international events. Students should keep up with major local, national and international news (via newspaper, television, radio or web sites). https://tuoitrenews.vn/ https://saigoneer.com/ https://vietnamnet.vn/en/ https://english.thesaigontimes.vn/ https://www.vietnamnews.net/ https://vietnamnews.vn/tags/4542/english.html https://news.google.com/search?q=vietnam&hl=en-US&gl=US&ceid=US%3Aen This course...
2022-03-18 Two Franks
Famous Fables And Folktales: ESL Reading and Speaking Club
Famous Fables And Folktales: ESL Reading and Speaking Club Mr. Paul will teach students the difference between folk tales and fairy tales. Folktales have been passed down over hundreds of years. We'll read and discuss these stories while correcting pronunciation and grammar while speaking. In this ten lesson series, Mr. Paul will teach students...
2022-02-02 Two Franks
Space ESL Club
Mr. Paul is teaching a ten-lesson series on Space with each lesson lasting at least 50 minutes. $15 per class, per student, and no more than 4 students in a course. (One-on-one rate is 200RMB per class) Lesson No. 1 What's in our Solar System? This lesson will answers questions about what's beyond our...
2022-01-23 Two Franks